Sign a Core Contributor Program Agreement, sent to you by Program administrators when you are invited to the program. We are asking that all Core Contributors, regardless of role, complete the following requirement: tCRIL Legal Requirements: Common for all Core Contributor Program Participants Roles are listed below the person listed next to the role is the person most highly responsible for the definition. That is, what have you already contributed to the Open edX community, and at what quality ( Caliber), how have you interacted on pull requests, in writing (Discourse, wikis, Slack, etc), and/or in working groups ( Conduct), and how long have you been an active member of the community/how do you intend to actively continue to contribute as a CC ( Commitment)? Core Contributor Role Descriptions To become a core contributor, you will need to be nominated and provide evidence of how you’ve demonstrated the “3C’s” as defined above. Please familiarize yourself with the contents of OEP-54: Core Contributors, which discusses the program and how nominations occur.

Reach out to us if you don’t know how to begin! How to become a Core Contributor? That means if you wish to be a Core Contributor, you should begin by joining the Open edX project and participate in a way that’s meaningful to you. These people follow the Code of Conduct, are respectful of other community members, and are generally polite and welcoming. We call this the “3 Cs”: Commitment, Conduct, Caliber. In general, however, people wishing to be Core Contributors need to show sustained, active performance in the role prior to being nominated as a NTC. What specific roles required is detailed in the below Role Descriptions section. In exchange for those Rights to contribute, we ask for some Responsibilities: this will include signing a Program Agreement and following the responsibilities of the roles that are laid out below. While previously the Core Contributor Program has focused on code contributors, we want to send the message that all contributors to the platform play a meaningful role and deserve the designation Core Contributor.Ĭore Contributors have a set of Rights and Responsibilities to the Open edX platform. There are many contributors to the Open edX platform that participate in a variety of ways - writing code for the Open edX software, translating the project, people performing Quality Assurance tasks, members of the Marketing working group, documentation writers, and more.

4.3 Community Contribution Project Manager - Sarina.

4.2 Project manager ( leading Open edX projects and/or working groups ) - Sarina.4.1 tCRIL Legal Requirements: Common for all Core Contributor Program Participants.